Nordlaks works continuously to become more sustainable. Below you can read about our certifications, and what these entail, as well as which of our locations are ASC certified.

GlobalG.A.P certification is an international standard that safeguards production at all stages of the value chain. The main focus is animale welfare and health, food safety, environmental protection, as well as employeee health and welfare. This certificate shows that our production complies with the standard`s requirement in all respects.
The ASC standard sets strict requirements for responsible and sustainable production of salmon. It focuses on animal welfare, and environmental and social conditions. Nordlaks is required to be transparent, and to annually report data from our plants and facilities. Nordlaks Sales AS and Nordlaks Produkter AS are certified according to the MSC Chain of Custody standard, and must maintain the ASC certification throughout the value chain. Below you can read more about our locations that are ASC certified.
IFS Food
The IFS Food Standard assesses the products and production processes to evaluate a food manufacturer’s ability to produce safe, authentic and quality products in accordance with legal requirements and customer specifications. It supports companies in meeting the increasing demands for transparency and traceability in the market and helps to improve product integrity and increase efficiency. IFS Food meets the criteria of the Global Food Safety Initiative – GFSI.
The HACCP system is an internationally recognized system for hazard analysis and risk assessment within the food industry, particularly with regard to contamination by microorganisms, foreign substances and foreign bodies. The system helps us to ensure that all the food safety risks of our products are known, prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. The seven principles of HACCP are hazard analysis, critical control points, limit values, continuous monitoring, corrective action, regular verification, and documentation.
Kosher Certification is the stamp of kosher approval by a rabbinic Agency verifying they have checked the products ingredients, production facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non kosher substances. The Kosher Certified symbol assures consumers that both the actual product and its production adhere to all Kosher Law requirements.
FDA approval
The approval shows that salmon produced at Nordlaks Produkter AS is approved for export to the USA.
The approval shows that we produce safe feed ingredients in accordance with customer specifications and legal requirements. We achieve this through continuous improvements, high competence, a living quality system and sustainable solutions.